Gender reassignment is undeniably a difficult transformation
as it requires a lot of effort, courage, and importantly support from loved ones,
family, and friends. And Yes, we all have the right to be happy with life even
if it entails changing one’s gender.
Nothing is actually worthwhile if you don’t feel good and
importantly comfortable in your own skin. The aforesaid has been proven again
and again by courageous people who are willed and gone through drastic measures
in changing their gender without looking back or perhaps uttering the word ‘Had
I Know’
Here, we’ve compiled the list of people who recently found
happiness having found their true self. These 25 before and after photos will
show you that being oneself is the most important thing in life. Have a look
and get inspired!
The Same Shirt From 2.5 Years Ago Looks Super Dope

theSlowCrow_/reddit -Via
No Surgeries. It’s Just 15 Months HRT & MTF 41 Yo

martinapearl/reddit -Via
There’s Only 2Years Between These Two Pics

BackpackLily/reddit -Via
Three Years Ago In The Summer Vs. One Year And I Month On T! (FTM)

caitowo/reddit -Via
The Before Vs. After One Year + Seven Month Transition

gender_mess/reddit -Via
Two Years And One Month On Estrogen

alittlesage / Reddit -Via
30Year-Old Looks Good After 18months On Hormone Replacement Therapy

yoursolace / Reddit -Via
At The End Of This Month, This Would Read 16 Months HRT & 31 MTF

ABlueBirdSkye / Reddit -Via
Forever A Gamer And Wearing This Dressing Gown Made Me A But Cuter. 2 Years And 6 Months On HRT

Arenaaj / Reddit -Via
On The Left (2010) Vs. On The Right (2015)

Aleacalelan / Reddit -Via
Transitioning Changed Her Life. Age 18 (Left) Vs. Age 21 (Right)

SomeBWord / Reddit -Via
2 Months HRT And 26 Months MTF

AndiFoxxx / Reddit -Via
It’s Sure Getting Better. Here’s 21 Months Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

meganbound / Reddit -Via
Hormone Replacement Therapy (11 Months Now)

Unknown / Reddit -Via
Indeed, A Long Way Coming. 2014 Vs. The Now

CakeNeatitTWO / Reddit -Via
Glowing Is Acceptable, Right? Pre HRT In 2014 And 5.5 Months HRT In 2018

leah_amelia / Reddit -Via
At The Beach In 2018 Vs. 2020. Looked Cute

Nikki22_/ Reddit -Via
Freedom At Last! Male To Female After 24Months Of HRT

Dial-A-Song / Reddit -Via
30Year-Old Kris Feels More True And Happy

transman2017 / Reddit -Via
Made It To A Year On Hormones. This Is Perfect

SilentWoodlandFox / Reddit -Via
How Do I Look? Good, Better Or Best?

meganbound / Reddit -Via
Before (2018) And After (2019) FTM

brassghost / Reddit -Via
Male To Female After Eight Months Of HRT

Bullet_Queen / Reddit -Via
24 Months Of HRT. This Progress Is Inspiring

Zhotograph / Reddit -Via
17 Months Of MTF And 24 Months Of HRT. Here You Go

Alexavalery / Reddit -Via