Sometimes you come across a sign that states something so obvious till you wonder why it was placed there, to begin with. But then, in the spirit of not harming the messenger, it could be that somebody did something so stupid once that someone else put a sign up to dissuade other people from doing something equally ridiculous.
from the sublime to the ridiculous, check out this list of signs which state the bleeding obvious.
We can’t wait to hear the story behind this one.

Dave Sutherland -Via
Death + fine.

jurvetson -Via
Remember, shooting is illegal.

Silversprite -Via

Clvrendvour -Via
How dare you prevent me from swimming and drowning?!

OrionActual -Via
I actually do not want to know the story behind this one.

XtraLifeBastion -Via
We know that one friend who will.

reddit -Via
Unless you’re a mermaid or merman.

paige191991 -Via
The balcony is not on ground level.

imgur -Via
Dang, now I need to think of another escape plan!

Because people might think that’s the cave entrance otherwise.

imgur -Via
But manslaughter is totally fine.

jimboknows6916 -Via
And open until closing time.

SpecialChipmunk5 -Via
A lifesaver!

Well, duh.

imgur -Via
You don’t say?

imgur -Via
NOT actual size, IKEA has to remind people.

Albuyeh -Via
If door does not open, do not permeate the door.

imgur -Via
Both silicone and eggs can be called ingredients.

basti361 -Via
Very helpful!

imgur -Via
The fact that one of the spike is brown is concerning. -Via
Actually, we know some crazy people who would actually still use that without the sign.

jcabatu22 -Via
Couldn’t have known it otherwise.

TallGuy0317 -Via
Very, very wet.

Gee, I thought fire is cold!

We have to cautious of that?

imgur -Via

This is why kids are getting dumber.

fattymctubkins -Via