Have you ever been desperate in solving the mystery of having
a long-lasting marriage? If yes, it’s actually all entail something entirely
simple yet adventurous.
Marriage is meant to be all fun, although up and downs are
inevitable. But regardless, exploring new adventures, engaging in separate or
same interests, as well as celebrating special days, including birthdays and
anniversaries are some of the latter ingredients to a happy marriage.
The main ingredients, including forgiveness, saying sorry,
fighting fair, commitment and faithfulness makes your marriage more open and
that brings about more closeness.
The women in this article understand the aforementioned and
have been spicing up their marriage with a little bit of fun. Ranging from
lighting a paper on fire and holding it to the smoke alarm to get husband’s
attention to wife dressing up as husband for Halloween, these list is undeniably a piece of stumbled-upon luck to spicing up your union.
Husband & Wife Serving The Twin Goals

u/jlblessingjr / Via reddit.com
Wife Had Buzz Doing All The Dirty Activities For Her

StumbOz / Via reddit.com
‘I ****** When You’re Naked!

punkrockpapa / Via reddit.com
Wife’s April Fool’s Prank On Husband

Olikria / Via reddit.com
Wife Felt The Pizza Place Were Overdoing It With Advert

texasproof / Via reddit.com
This Possibly Explains Why We’re Still Married After 27Years

u/rodeler / Via reddit.com
This Wife Gave Husband The Perfect Pedicures

Potatoprincessa / Via reddit.com
Wife Got The Scariest Halloween Decoration

Scubazz / Via reddit.com
Wife’s Surprised Me With This Banner On My Birthday

supergalactic / Via reddit.com
The Milk Gone Bad Villian Decorated By Wife In The Fridge

danspud69 / Via reddit.com
Wife Personalized Our Keurig- Booty, Booty, Booty!

u/xspacemonkey85x / Via reddit.com
Wife Left This On Our Bed In Absence Of Herself

SelfishMentor / Via reddit.com
Wife’s Passive Aggressive Flow Chart Each Time I’m Hungry

biscoff_nutella / Via reddit.com
This Wife Only Sends Dirty Photos

It’s Amazing Finding Genital Related Food For Husband

u/keeksmarie0987 / Via reddit.com
The DIY Wife Donning An Evident Sexy Dress

iamlunasol / Via reddit.com
One Best Way Terrify My Husband

onehundredjellyfish / Via reddit.com
The Attention Seeking Wife! A Perfect Scheme
