27 Hilarious Pics Prove That Men Never Really Grow Up

It’s adorable if we could occasionally get back to the jolly good days of childhood. The times of no stress nor responsibilities, but just a simple lifestyle. Who wouldn’t want to live on those days even for a while?

Growing up irrefutably brings about a lot of responsibilities, rewarding things, a fulfillment that can sometimes be challenging, but still groom you into a man. Deep down, the inner child, however, still resides, full of wonder, adventure, fun, and innocence. Underlining this feeling, some men were recently captured living as a child for a while of their matured days.

These photos, compiled below express the aforementioned in a really adorable way, while also proving that no matter how old you grow, the inner child will always be there.

These men are adorably living a stress-free life and their faces appear so cheerful, enjoying children's behavior. There’s really no secret here as the child in men lives in them forever. Have a look!

Not letting husband to the craft store alone with the baby anymore.

plutosrain -Via

Husband likes scaring me by placing this everywhere.

Dennyboy101 -Via

This is our Home Depot edition.

DownvoteDaemon -Via

Boyfriend bought a label maker.

tdgonex -Via

All these kids.

Jyoung147 -Via

Husband told dog to stay still.

Szmanda44 -Via

We did our duty, let no man tell us otherwise.

Chairboy -Via

Friend trying to get his cat to catch bugs.

GorJess229 -Via

Caught him red-handed, thought he was exercising.

GorJess229 -Via

Wife called me immature, but… what do you think?

sleepinggoats -Via

Printed and attached this to wife’s air freshener, spitting acid every 30 minutes.

PriebeWoodworks -Via

Boyfriend wandered off on a 12-hour delay, found him with other 5-year-olds on Pixar marathon.

janeR61 -Via

My Amazon seller of a boyfriend staged this as I got home.

ThingsWeSasy -Via

Me and friend was on a house-sitting job. When asked if we’re having fun by owner, here’s our answer:

wilso10684 -Via

Dad thought he was home alone, came to see why he was laughing.

j_piper -Via

Saw this man and when we made eye contact, he said, “No one suspects the adults.”

Derrick_Aspi -Via

Security cam captured me trying to impress wife with overpriced smart bulbs.

timemctraveller -Via

This is my grandpa, 90, on his battlstation. He’s also the one who first introduced me to PC, iPad and Tesla.

timemctraveller -Via

Boyfriend got his order of 500 googly eyes and this is the first thing he did.

SaltMineForeman -Via

Storm happened during eclipse, so dad improvised.

djbootybutt -Via

Friend’s dad was on a sightseeing in Boston.

Derrick_Aspi -Via

It was boring at work on Friday.

ingchic -Via

Wife was throwing a tantrum, so husband out-tantrum her.

mungoflago -Via

Asked husband to feed the baby goat and he sent me back this.

bravo45 -Via

When you actually marry a man-child (and not allowed in!).

lizzy1028 -Via

I was called as man-child by my ex.

ndguy333 -Via

My husband Ian insisted that our new puppy Nala get her own stocking.

alymac95 -Via