For more than 20 years, Taylor from Colorado, USA, has never felt like she was in the right body. She experiences dysphoria and it wasn't like she tried to love herself. She, or to be precise, he, finally made the decision to transition into a woman. Two years in and she wasn't quite there yet, but she is definitely making stunning changes that will make you gap in awe.
She posted her progress pictures on Reddit and you can click here to show her some support and love!

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Taylor said that she never really much like himself or even a real person. Previously, everything was 'gray' - living a life that didn't feel an inch like she was actually living. She imagined he was just 'acting' her part as a human being among many. But 'everything felt pretend'.
But since she started on estrogens, she began to feel so different and it felt like 'an alarm had been ringing' for his entire life but he was too numb to realize it. Now, everything felt colorful, everything felt alive, she was enjoying the small things - beautiful trees, flowers, rocks, she felt excited living her day.

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She began losing her muscles which she kinda hated getting as it was in an effort of self-denial. Having all these feminine features were radical changes that she never thought would turn her life upside down. She's on the upside right now.
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She is finally able to giggle or cry to cute r touching stories on Instagram. She has small giggles when seeing cute memes and could finally just let her emotions out instead of bottling them up. Finally, for the first time in a while her sadness was slowly going away.
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"I feel ‘real’ now," said Taylor. "I feel happy and right and content and grateful."

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Plus, she has incredible, on spot makeup skills that she picked up when working as a makeup artist. A lot of people were complementing her that and let's admit it - her freckles are cute and she just exudes this cheerful and bubbly personality from her pictures alone!
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Taylor also shares that social media has brought her a lot of hate messages.

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But Taylor explains that she's used to all the negativity, although it was unfortunately too common. She also felt 'pity for people' who sent her those hate messages and couldn't imagine to 'feel so much hatred' that they'd go and tear people down like that. But she said that HRT saves lives and has saved hers.