Parenting is ultimately a life-long course in crisis
management. You have to learn how to deal with stormy grumpiness and you try to
find answers to certain things. And no, they don’t give a BA or MA, It's just
a course you have to be good at.
On the other hand, it’s rewarding because children are full
of things we no longer have as grownups. It’s a fierce truthfulness and extraordinary ideas that turn them into little crazy geniuses. Fortunately, these
parents have been able to keep the record of zippy life of raising a child while
also sharing it on Twitter.
Without further ado, here are some of the best parenting
tweets of April for you to laugh-out-loud. Enjoy!

simoncholland -Via

notthenanny -Via

XplodingUnicorn -Via

BunAndLeggings -Via

XplodingUnicorn -Via

Chhapiness -Via

TheCatWhisprer -Via

samlymatters -Via

daddydoubts -Via

dad_on_my_feet -Via

sarabellab123 -Via

threetimedaddy -Via

KerryHowley -Via

bckieffer -Via

thestinkerbell_ -Via

Parkerlawyer -Via

BigRadMachine -Via

HexyDre -Via

simoncholland -Via

pro_worrier_ -Via

XplodingUnicorn -Via

mom_tho -Via

MarriageMartini -Via

RodLacroix -Via

Lhlodder -Via

mom_tho -Via

TheCatWhisprer -Via

XplodingUnicorn -Via

mom_tho -Via

TheCatWhisprer -Via