23 People Whose Age Remain A unsolvable Mystery

Some people look like a teenager when they are actually an adult, while others look at their 40s appears like age 14.  

So that makes it a debatable point as to whether it’s a gift or a cause, but what we are certainly aware of is  that we are trying to guess these people’s age based on what we see, that is the appearance alone though, is an impossible task and the people in this compilation will prove this.

But what really makes some set of people to look younger than their age whereas others look older than their real age? It is, however, related to genetics as most people who look younger than their age have their parents or at least one of them look younger than their age. And I guess the same goes for the people who look older than their age as well.

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American comic actress, Charlyne Amanda Yi's age is 34 but she looks like a 13-year-old girl!

aceshowbiz -Via

She looks 13 and 45 at the same time!

u/RandomBrownGurl -Via

Well, she most definitely is not a teen. She’s 26.

NoahGosh -Via

Taking a picture of niece and this shocking picture of her running down a hill reveals her real age.

lukemoyerphotography -Via

How can you look like a 37 but still 7 in a single picture?

4tticSalt -Via

She pulled off the 30-year-old mom look. She is 15.

eva_gadd -Via

This 15-year-old about to convince more than kids to join her initiative.

hardytom540 -Via

She looks like a 16-year-old, but no worries. She’s 31.

rlcute -Via

The girl on the left looks like the 2nd oldest here and works as a secretary with a talent in making cookies. She’s 12.

thrifting24_7 -Via

And this guy who looks like he’s through with life. He’s only 15.

barnabe_a_abobora -Via

Blame it all on puberty.

aflashinlifespan -Via

Someone tried insulting her and said she looks like 20 AND 50, but she actually loved it.

fiendishthingysaurus -Via

It’s going to take you twice to notice the banners and put two and two together.

evieannajane -Via

You can totally look like a toddler and still be 30 years old.

antoniabegonia -Via

This girl looks like a 40-year-old Russian housewife. She’s actually 14.

evieannajane -Via

Daughter of Acosta.

Mom during the 80s. She was in 8th grade.

pearsmir13 -Via

A whole set of confusion in a single picture.

Infamousmilk -Via

A young… chef?

Miss_Lovett -Via

She was getting ready for church on Sunday and looks like a decent 40 or 50-year-old ma’am. Well, she was 13 or 14.

of_trebon -Via

She is 13 and turned 30 with a single haircut and a huge loop earring.

clinton_br -Via

The eyes of a 15-year-old mixed with the chin of a 30-year-old.

youpoiyou -Via

He is 38 recently. Yeah, can’t believe it either.

Kablouie -Via

New vice minister of finance in Poland.

imhalfasigmasure -Via