15 People Who Took Their Jobs Too Literally And Failed Hilariously

Some jobs are very repetitive and the workers often don't need to think much about what was a request. It's like making burgers at an McD; you don't have to think much but follow exactly as the protocol told you. Extra cheese on the side, no pickles, done. Except that it's extra cheese on for the cheese fries and you had just actually packed a literal extra piece of cheese.

It happens to us all, from time to time. Fortunately, people's first reaction is usually confused followed by uncontrollable giggling or laughing which is a positive thing. But the bad news is that we hope you can still keep your job!

#1 When you’re at your wit’s end translating anime.

Karkkillll -Via

#2 This person who listens but does not consider the context at all. Or maybe he just missed a ‘D’.

SargentStraya -Via

#3 This person who was asked to add a 2-line banner.

mikeliddle -Via

#4 When you tell the kid to put a new roll of paper towel on.

cloudhacker -Via

#5 “My note on the cheese fries said: extra cheese on the side.”

s0kri5py -Via

#6 When you understand English.

zorbix -Via

#7 You know, the legal stuff.

AVerySillyMuffin -Via

#8 Someone ordered an egg and cheese bagel.


#9 Whoever told the boss he refilled the paper tray.

Scaulbylausis -Via

#10 The man who didn’t get the note.

awesomeduuuu -Via

#11 This horrendous way of ‘cutting’ the pizza.

coffecup1978 -Via

#12 Getting yourself ‘a’ chocolate chip muffin?

62302154065198762349 -Via

#13 Whoever thought his name was Firstname Lastname.

T0rp3d0 -Via

#14 The person in charge of giving this mannequin its clothing.

EkkoWan -Via

#15 When you can only answer the question literally.

yecapixtlan -Via