life can be a bit mundane from time to time. The dull old routine of wake up,
work at home, binge-watching Netflix, sleep, repeating it can really get you down
at times. Nevertheless, that is why it is essential to find and cherish the
little moments of cheerfulness when you can.
kids accidentally creating hungover princess dolls, inadvertently judgmental
cats to babies with ridiculous hairlines, let the stress of everyday life wash
away for a while as I show you the people who found the hilarious in everyday life.
#24 Targeted Ads

Reddit | vandbitlu
#23 Do You Know The One?

Reddit | FishCakes4Xmas
#22 Bad Pun

Reddit | DanniMcBoo
#21 Very Elegant Whale

Reddit | [delete]
#20 Signs Are Always Amusing

Reddit | [deleted]
#19 All Knowledge Is Worth Having

Reddit | anxiousguy7
#18 Be Careful Of The Seagulls

Reddit | ghyrtamin
#17 Oddly Particular Threat

Reddit | ybotyawnoc
#16 Me IRL

Reddit | That_Underscore_Guy
#15 False Advertising

Reddit | Dittestark
#14 Owing A Hairless Cat Infrequently Results In Nightmare

Reddit | stinkyrat
#13 “Vietnamese Café Password.”

Reddit | escahpee
#12 Fatal Error

Reddit | SeamanTheSailor
#11 Modem On Vacation

Facebook | Cassie Langan
#10 My Mom Is In Her 8th Week Of Chemo. Here Is Her Halloween Costume

Imgur | FudgeEyeNuh
#9 Smart Kid

Reddit | ashortstorylong
#8 “My Friend Was Diagnosed With Parkinson’s.”

Reddit | akiro27
#7 This Is Not A Burrito

Reddit | Its_Riley_
#6 Divorced Anniversary

Reddit | Nikil_k
#5 “My Spouse Was Being Helpful. A Visit From A Dad Ensure We Never Got Rid Of The Note

Reddit | stegasp
#4 Ask My Girl

Reddit | joykin
#3 “Grandma From Birth”

#2 I Found This Humerus

Reddit | Ekooing
#1 “Heart Of Ex”

Imgur | breguet