Ashley Graham Talked About Another Model Who Disapproved Her Sports Illustrated Cover And Naomi Campbell’s Face Says It All

Ashley Graham is a known model, a new mom and an outspoken advocate for body positivity. The model famously made history in 2016, becoming the first plus-size model to ever  show on the cover of sports illustrated’s Swimsuit Issue.

In her latest interview with Naomi Cambell on the model’s YouTube series, No Filter Naomi, the 32-year-old  gave a comprehensive account of another model who told her she didn't merit to be on the cover due to her size.

‘There was another model who was very troubled that I had gotten the cover. She explained I was very large, and that women as my size should not appear on a cover. Uh, you can check it yourself, I don’t want to mention names. it was before your generation… it begins with latter C.' Graham explained.

The model admitted the incident had occurred the first time she met with Naomi and that Naomi defended her. Of which the 41-year-old icon replied" 'And I will defend you again right now because I don’t think that person has a right to say’s now your time.'

Even though she didn’t say it outright, Ashley is referring to former model Cheryl Tiegs. who equally appeared on the cover of SI throughout the ’70 and ‘80s. Cheryl talked about Ashley’s SI cover, saying, “I don’t like that we’re talking about full-figured women because it’s glamorizing them and it's expected the waist should be smaller than 35(inches).”

'That’s what Dr.Oz explained, and am sticking to it,  she said “No, I don’t think it’s healthy. Her face is beautiful. Beautiful? But I don’t think it healthy in the long run,” she concluded. Chery later apologized for her comments through Twitter, after facing criticism.

Ashely continued: ‘It was interesting because it brought a whole perspective to the industry… of course, you are going to get negativity. it brought up a serious conversation about, what is healthy? What is beauty? and what is sexy? Ashley explained everything to Naomi.