13 Unbelievably Selfish Beings In The Entire World

At some point everyone is selfish. Although normal levels of self-love, self-worth, and self-confidence are necessary for people to function well, but there is a difference between these characteristics and being a little too self-absorbed, arrogant or just plain narcissistic.

For instance, some people are always trying to make you think their own world is better, while others will always cut you off and want to show off their grievances when you want to air yours, including speaking about themselves for hours, making you feel less important.

Selfish people love the concept of all for one. They tend to devalue you if you don’t buy into their misplaced dominance.

If you, however, haven’t met someone very selfish or perhaps a spouse/friend who’s selfish, here are some examples of the most unbelievably selfish beings in the world at large. 

1. Every single person in this line:

2. And this line:

3. And this one, too:

4. Every single person who thinks they're invincible in line for this bar:

5. And this bar:

6. And this one, too:

7. How hard is it to stay home?

8. Beer's cheaper at home!

9. People don't die when you stay home!

10. No one coughs on you at home!

11. Do you really need to spend $15 on a cocktail that badly?

12. Is the Instagram really worth it?

13. Just stay the hell home: