Parenting is hard, parenting when your child has special needs is even more challenging. That's why every parent has their own ways of raising their children, which includes the diet they let their children have. When it comes to the lunchbox, you'd think about a sandwich, sliced fruits or wrappers. But a mother has packed her son's french fries, crackers or popcorn for her son and this has got people judge that she is not paying attention to her son's nutrition intake.
But the mother's note for parents on the lunchbox has got people praising her for standing up and explaining why it's the only way.
She packs her kid with an apple, popcorn, crackers and french fries for lunch along with corns. Mothers and teachers were judging her as the food does not look healthy enough in their opinions.
But the Australian mother thinks enough is enough - she is not taking anymore of their craps.
So, she left a note on explaining why her son eats like that and why it's the best she could do.
She used a marker to write on the blue lid of the box, leaving a concise explanation of why he eats like that. ‘My lunch box might not look very healthy, but it’s all I will eat. Please be patient with me as I work through my sensory issues.’
It is not that she hasn't tried, but her son has sensory issues that putting together a healthy meal he will enjoy has been challenging. She has one amazing boy, but she also wants him to be able to enjoy lunch even when she's not there.
So she makes sure that she packs things her son can taste excitedly.
The mother explains, "He’s not able to quite articulate exactly why he has never had a sandwich or perhaps a wrap for lunch. He prefers to munch on popcorn."
Fellow mothers are being very supportive of her and one of them commented, "As long as you don’t take lollies or chocolate, I don’t see why some things are then a big problem."
Another added, "Looks very healthy babe. I so much love your note, it’s awesome and I am going to borrow it for my boy. I admire your fight for your son."