A study has finally solved one of the longest marital standoffs in history, married women experience more stress than their single counterparts. increased workload, responsibilities, parenthood and marriage itself have been cited as the probable reasons.
Stressed wives are more likely to experience headaches, fatigue and anger outbursts which all point towards emotional exhaustion. Surprisingly, Husbands, the co-parents tasked with supporting their wives make significant contributions to their wive’s stress. According to a study, 46% of women say that children are less stressful than their husbands and its nothing to do with cheating or abuse.
While you are still pondering about that, these are the lead reasons why husbands have been gravely accused.
Preview image: By the Sea / Universal Pictures
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A husband acts like an extra child
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The hard truth is that men are so good at behaving like kids that they don’t know when to stop. They express this through their frivolous attitude towards some issues and in their behaviors. As one of the responders in the research was quoted saying, “A 7-year-old is going to be a 7-year-old. But a 35-year-old acting like a 7-year-old is more stressful because they should know better”dads love fun, which automatically makes them the cool parent. As a consequence fathers are tasked with all things fun, and an accomplice with fun ideas.
Mothers due to their nature and left with no choice, become concerned with issues related to daily routine, discipline, upbringing, health, giving instructions and keeping the fun activities in check. Most often, this role puts the mom in the bad picture with the children creating a conflict between mother and kids which can escalate and strain the relationship between parents
The solution, well its simple, parents should stick to watching each other’s back. If one parent forbids something for a child, the second one should back up this decision. Its necessary to agree on and act together on prohibitions and permissions imposed on children.
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It is equally important to share the responsibility of raising up the child between parents. A husband should help and ease some parenting loads of the wife, help a child join the soccer team, make a doctor’s appointment, or even help with homework. The mothers can also ease their grip a little bit and stop trying to control everything. Instead, they can join in the fun by taking part in their children’s games with their husband.Household chores that a woman does become overwhelming
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A study found that one out of five moms attributes their stress to their spouse not helping enough around the house. While wives spend more time doing housework, men spend the bulk of their time relaxing and lazying around. Wome are tasked with cooking, cleaning, doing grocery shopping and planning the house budget.While these activities are crucial for the sustaining the family structure, tasking them on one person could be overwhelming.
Household chores bring a lot of stress, that’s agreeable, but tasking it on one particular sex serves to only increase her stress.
© By the Sea / Universal Pictures -Via
The solution is both simple and obvious. The husband should help out with the housework. Sharing household responsibilities has been cited as the top reasons for successful marriages.It doesn’t end there yet, both spouses should appreciate each other’s efforts. If house duties are divided into half, it will be done in half the previous time and the remaining time can be spent on each other.
A woman feels guilt and lacks free time
© Sex and the City 2 / Warner Bros. Pictures -Via
Considering all responsibilities above are tasked on the woman, wives may feel like there is not enough time to accomplish all that in a day. This is especially common for women who also hold full-time jobs. After work, they are required to pay attention to everyone’s needs besides performing all the household chores.The responsibilities for the husband and children are all bequeathed on the wife who often lacks time for herself. Due to the rush to keep everything in check, mistakes sometimes happen which could lead to feelings of guilt. As one responder said,
“I feel like I am figuring out a lot about parenting on my own without the input of my husband. This stresses me out because when something goes wrong, it is all my fault.”
© Still Alice / Sony Pictures Classics -Via
Solution:-Lack of time could stress the wife out, a husband could not only help with house chores and parenting but also step in on the family responsibilities as a whole. This is the reason why marriage is made of two equal partners. When spouses talk about their issues and make collective decisions, they are both responsible for their actions which is a unifying factor in the family.
Women, on the other hand, can use their free time to work on themselves and keep stress at bay. Stress has been known to cause divorce and affect individual health negatively. With regard to this, it is every partner's responsibility to make sure their equal halves are less stressed which translates to less stress on the whole family.