From the moment a child is born, the never-ending debate starts whether the newborn look like his/her mom or dad. While growing up, many of us would have also experienced the same; people saying that your hair looks just like your dad’s. It is natural to have inherited looks and traits from our parents and other family members. It is because of the passing down of genes. Some families also have special birthmarks, unusually shaped fingers and some eye color that gets passed down to generations.
There also occurs a thing called genetic recombination. This causes the mixing of genes between two parents and therefore, a child looks very different from their parents. We don’t see children that look exactly like their parents or their family member. It might confuse you but there exist people who look like their family member and the similarities are striking. Today, we bring you a compilation of 18 such people who look like copies of their family members.
#1 She had heard that she looked just like her dad and now she believes it too

© otterykhaleesi / Reddit -Via
#2 On the left, we have our friend and his dad and 23 years later, it is him and his daughter and it's strikingly similar

© RemovedByGallowboob / Reddit -Via
#3 The girl on the left is the mom of the girl on the right and they have the same curls

© hotdogcolors/ Reddit -Via
#4 She and her grandma from the 1940s have the same smile and the same eyes

© MrsNeverNude / Reddit -Via
#5 Mom and daughter in the same picture and they look just the same

© InsatiableSarah / Reddit -Via
#6 The kid on the left is the dad of the kid in the right picture. They’re both standing on their parent’s trucks

© rayzzles / Reddit -Via
#7 Looks like the guy’s father on the left reincarnated into him in the right photo

© bondiben / Reddit -Via
#8 After the first haircut of his son, he just realized that he looked just like his son

© americanaugie / Reddit -Via
#9 Apart from the color of hair, this mother-daughter duo has nothing different

© NotTooWorriedAboutIt / Imgur -Via
#10 Pictures of mother and daughter, when they were of the same age

© [deleted] / Reddit -Via
#11 1987: the dad; 2017: the son! Difference = 0

© 99LivesGaming / Reddit -Via
#12 Another same looking mother-daughter duo. They look like the same person

© emnemz / Reddit -Via
#13 Her mom, on the left, died of cancer and the photo of her daughter on the right suggests us that her mom will live her life through her because we see a spectacle of her mom in her

© sarahangeline4u / Reddit -Via
#14 That resemblance between this father-son duo

© CTRicky / Reddit -Via
#15 Anyone would think that these two pictures are of the same person

© lucymouse22 / Imgur -Via
#16 The man on the right always said that he looked like his dad and not mom. The evidence speaks otherwise

© dinomelia / Reddit -Via
#17 Mother and daughter duo, living in different centuries, but sharing looks like a boss

© jadesanctuary / Imgur -Via
#18 Mary of Teck and her granddaughter, Queen Elizabeth II also share their looks

© Wojtek Laski / East News -Via