22 Hilarious Tweets About Being In Your 30s Older Millennials

Entering into your 30s can feel like a version of death, the death of your youth days for some people. It’s the end of an era. It's not that turning in your 30s is the sad part but the outlook that somehow no longer being in your 20's means your life doesn't hold the same value anymore. You have a ton of friends, have hangovers and can eat a whole pizza without any consequences at all. But then you are in your 30s and the only parties you're attending are your child's birthdays. But each stage of your life is unique in its own way and the horrible part of turning 30 only exists in our minds.

The 30s is when all the dust settles, and people have the confidence just to be themselves. Some Internet users don’t beat around the bush when telling what it really means to live in your 30s and share some tweets that show it's not all rainbows and unicorns. It's more along the lines of uneventful weekends, mundane everyday problems, exciting pragmatism, and other similar paradoxes that are painfully accurate.

1. On homeownership:

2. On life's many surprises:

3. On what the youths™ are up to these days:

4. On lies we were all told as teens:

5. On realizing the inevitable:

6. On the different paths life can take:

7. On getting lit:

8. And the horrible aftermath:

9. On natural evolution:

10. On baby fever:

11. On THAT kitchen cabinet:

12. On parties:

13. On the passage of time:

14. On back pain:

15. On dating:

16. On making friends:

17. On dating apps:

18. On parenting:

19. On pursuing your hobbies:

20. On bedtimes:

21. On cable hoarding:

22. And finally, on the fact that you're basically the same, but kinda achy: