Entering into your 30s can feel like a version of death, the death of your youth days for some people. It’s the end of an era. It's not that turning in your 30s is the sad part but the outlook that somehow no longer being in your 20's means your life doesn't hold the same value anymore. You have a ton of friends, have hangovers and can eat a whole pizza without any consequences at all. But then you are in your 30s and the only parties you're attending are your child's birthdays. But each stage of your life is unique in its own way and the horrible part of turning 30 only exists in our minds.
The 30s is when all the dust settles, and people have the confidence just to be themselves. Some Internet users don’t beat around the bush when telling what it really means to live in your 30s and share some tweets that show it's not all rainbows and unicorns. It's more along the lines of uneventful weekends, mundane everyday problems, exciting pragmatism, and other similar paradoxes that are painfully accurate.
1. On homeownership:
Me, age 18: I'll be a homeowner by the time I'm in my 30s
— Your Best Friend (@SortaBad) October 4, 2016
Me, in my 30s: I own a single pair of matching socks
2. On life's many surprises:
I never thought I'd be in my 30s arguing with a naked toddler over whether or not she can wear fairy wings in the bathtub, yet here we are.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) March 2, 2017
3. On what the youths™ are up to these days:
People in their thirties discussing TikTok: pic.twitter.com/qFYi7BDaFi
— Lindsay Theisen (@lindsaytheis) December 31, 2019
4. On lies we were all told as teens:
Honestly thought my 30s would involve way less acne, and yet here we are
— Anne Thériault (@anne_theriault) July 6, 2018
5. On realizing the inevitable:
Me in my 20s: I'm never gonna turn into my dad.
— Reverend Scott (@Reverend_Scott) July 19, 2018
6. On the different paths life can take:
early 30s are funny bc all friends are by this point steadfastly on diff tracks, w/ “just picked an accent wall for the nursery, what do you think??” on one end & “just picked up ketamine before the orgy, wanna come??” on the other— & me, perhaps also you, squarely in between
— alina pleskova (@nahhhlina) March 17, 2019
7. On getting lit:
Getting lit in my 30s is eating a slice a pizza without taking Lactaid first.
— Natasha Rothwell (@natasharothwell) February 25, 2019
8. And the horrible aftermath:
— Your Best Friend (@SortaBad) February 1, 2020
[takes tylenol and goes about the day]
[writing letter] Dearest Penelope, I fear this may be the final time I am blessed to feel the warmth of the sun upon my breast. I grow more weary by the moment, and prospects for survival are slim
9. On natural evolution:
Me, in my teens: This radio station is playing my jams.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) January 17, 2020
Me, in my 20s: This bar is playing my jams.
Me, in my 30s: This grocery store is playing my jams.
10. On baby fever:
there are two types of people in their early 30s pic.twitter.com/vqGm02LItf
— Netflix US (@netflix) December 24, 2019
11. On THAT kitchen cabinet:
by age 35 you should have a kitchen cabinet dedicated entirely to plastic bags that contain other, smaller plastic bags
— vytas (@peakysblinder) May 20, 2018
12. On parties:
Age 17: sneak out of the house to go to a party
— Not Matt Moscona (@NotMoscona) September 19, 2019
Age 37: sneak out of a party to go home
13. On the passage of time:
Being in your 30s is constantly thinking the 90s were just a decade ago
— brain genius (@Millerheighife) August 12, 2019
14. On back pain:
Welcome to your 30s. You now have Home Advil and Purse Advil.
— Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) September 7, 2017
15. On dating:
Dating in your thirties is like, “so, what do you do for work and fun!! also what traumas have you accumulated by this point that I should be mindful of?”
— Chris Stedman (@ChrisDStedman) February 2, 2020
16. On making friends:
This is what trying to make new friends into your 30s is like. https://t.co/UGB1iW5kdI
— Handobōrubāgā (@the_bad_tings) May 19, 2019
17. On dating apps:
Tinder in your 20s: “Not looking for anything too serious.”
— David (@DiscreetLatino) July 23, 2019
Tinder in your 30s:pic.twitter.com/WWwWiC8O7H
18. On parenting:
AGE 25: lol why would anyone have kids in their 20s
— actioncookbook (@actioncookbook) February 22, 2019
AGE 36: [pulls groin getting out of child-sized chair at library] oh I see
19. On pursuing your hobbies:
i see cool art
— lexxy ECCC X4 (@Lexxercise) February 15, 2019
and get inspired
but once im home
im just too tired
a poem by lexxy, age 33
20. On bedtimes:
New Year's Eve bedtime:
— Morgan Housel (@morganhousel) December 31, 2019
Age 12: 9pm
Age 16: midnight
Age 20: 2am
Age 28: 4am
Age 32: midnight
Age 36: 9pm
21. On cable hoarding:
By age 35 you should have a huge box of cables but you can't throw them out because you're pretty sure you still need a couple of them but you're not sure which ones
— Lori G (@LoriG) May 19, 2018
22. And finally, on the fact that you're basically the same, but kinda achy:
some of you youths are gonna be real disappointed when u discover that turning 30 just means you still have all the same weird interests but can't turn your head all the way to the left anymore
— Rave Sashayed (@_sashayed) March 6, 2018