Artists and illustrators have never been afraid to push boundaries, make their mark and say something with the art they make. There are so many artists who became one by changing their careers or because they turned their hobby and passion to pursue a cartoonist's career. One such person is Will McPhail is a graduate in zoology who turned into a cartoonist. He used to doodle lecturers during his classes and now he is drawing for the world-famous The New Yorker magazine, a popular American magazine established 94 years ago regularly. He has nearly 8 and 10 ideas per week for The New Yorker magazine.
Instead of continuing to study zoology, he chose the wildlife of coffee shops and libraries of Edinburgh. He studied peoples' social behavior there and then turned it into hilarious comic strips. McPhail said, "The best I can do is to find an area that I want to do a cartoon on and accept the stage - then hope that my sense of humor moonwalks on to that stage."
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