Surviving on Mars seems like a dream to us as it’s a no man’s land. None of the people have been able to send put their steps on Mars and planning to send someone on the planet is just the beginning of its development. Although people have touched Mars with the help of durable wheels of Mars rovers. The 4 successful Mars rovers that were robotically operated till time are Sojourner, Opportunity, Spirit, and Curiosity and were managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA.
The mission Opportunity was announced completed on February 13, 2019, while NASA lost all its attachments with the vehicle. But fortunately, Curiosity was the only one that survived on the planet, examining its surface exploring the red planet all alone. The spacecraft ‘Curiosity’ was launched on the red planet on August 6, 2012, and was there for years carrying out its objectives.
More info: NASA
This is how the spacecraft 'Curiosity' looked 7 years ago and now

#1 There were ripples seen on the surface of Martian sand dune

#2 A Meteorite was found and examined by the spacecraft

#3 Sunset sequence in Mars' Gale Crater

#4 The spacecraft at Duluth

#5 First sampling hole in Mount Sharp

#6 The color view of Martian Dune by Curiosity after crossing it

#7 Jake Matijevic Rock

#8 Color view of Martian Rock 'Harrison' that shows crystals

#9 Multiple layers of Mount Sharp

#10 Mosaic of a sand dune

#11 Remnants of ancient Streambed on the red planet

#12 The wheel scuff mark at 'Rocknest'

#13 Outcrop in the Murray Buttes Region of Lower Mount Sharp

#14 Martian sand dune and the spacecraft

#15 Mount Sharp

#16 The rocky surroundings of Mount Sharp captured from its base

#17 Mount Sharp

#18 'Windjana' Drilling site

#19 The shot from Mars orbiter showing the spacecraft at 'Shaler'

#20 The spacecraft at this active sand dune named "Gobabeb", which is part of a larger dune field known as "Bagnold"

#21 Martian Geology

#22 Curiosity focusing the 100 mm Mastcam

#23 A mudstone rock at Mount Sharp

#24 "Fracture Town" that has a lot of pointed, layered rock formations

#25 Buckskin

#26 Layers at the base of Mount Sharp

#27 Strata at the base of Mount Sharp

#28 Rocks that look like bones

#29 The spacecraft tracks in 'Hidden Valley' on the planet