Don't we just miss the day when product designers actually think about the functions and benefits of their products rather than how they can make them female or male-oriented? In fact, not all girls play with dolls and not all boys like to fight with robots. Parents should definitely not be convinced that black-colored products are meant for boys as if there are no female goths.
If men can be florists, why can't men have flower-patterned binoculars? Here are some of the wildest things people decided to genderized and the internet is LIVID. It began as a thread on Twitter when user Louise uploaded pictures of products that looked bright pink for girls and blue for boys. Brighthumanity still hopes you can have a great day after this, though.
#1 Binoculars.

themouseyouknow -Via
#2 Sleeping bags.

fomae2 -Via
#3 Jenga.

themouseyouknow -Via
#4 Shampoo for... apricot?

themouseyouknow -Via
#5 Tea.

themouseyouknow -Via
#6 Bath bomb.

themouseyouknow -Via
#7 Dog bowl.

themouseyouknow -Via
#8 Eggs.

themouseyouknow -Via
#9 Bread.

themouseyouknow -Via
#10 Plane toys.

themouseyouknow -Via
#11 Ouija for girls.

themouseyouknow -Via
#12 Wipes.

mizumomochi -Via
#13 Goldfish crackers.

inkyfollies -Via
#14 Earplugs.

ibelieveinher -Via
#15 Bible for her.

themouseyouknow -Via
#16 Glue.

themouseyouknow -Via
#17 Mirror.

Dinosaurs_tho -Via
#18 Marshmallows.

jakeoftales -Via
#19 The symbols on this toilet.

fomae2 -Via
#20 Scrub mommy.

themouseyouknow -Via
#21 Tools for women.

radicalta -Via
#22 Car.

HavenRacewayJP -Via
#23 Lint roller.

akielon -Via
#24 Tissues.

CrimsonG_Shep -Via
#25 Cards against humanity.

icecoldreddie -Via
#26 Space explorer toys.

RuinTaughtMe -Via
#27 Gift cards.

gurneemd -Via
#28 Baby bibs.

fomae2 -Via
#29 Boyble.

themouseyouknow -Via
#30 Toothbrush.

themouseyouknow -Via