What would you call a gawky, reserved, shy clumsy and a socially awkward person in one word? If someone posses all these qualities, he/she is surely an introvert. They have always been misunderstood but in fact, introvert people tend to draw energy from being alone, whereas extroverts like being in large groups that keep them charged. Although introverts see most of the things in a way much different than from others. They would want to avoid human contact as possible and love being on their own. And Finland is one country where most of the people are introverts. "An introverted Finn looks at his shoes when talking to you and an extroverted Finn looks at your shoes,” is an old joke that Finnish people make on themselves.
So, Karoliina Korhonen, a Finnish artist created a series of funny comics that all introverts and Scandinavian people will relate to, no matter where they're from. For instance, that awkward moment you have to face when you accidentally touch the salesperson while collecting your change or feeling social anxiety when standing in an elevator with a stranger.
More info: Finnish
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