A lot of things are undeniably great about dogs – Their soft
fur, their fluffy tails, their adoring eyes when you are spotted walking
through the door and many more. Oh, you can’t also deny their adorable smiles.
With hundreds of subreddits dedicated to revealing how great
doggos are, there’s one exclusively meant to show off dogs smile and
interestingly their teeth!
Bright Humanity stumbled on the subreddit and here, we are
welcoming you to the Toofers.’ We have also compiled some hilarious photos
from this community, to improve your Wednesday mood at work.
Having over 70.2K followers, the community urges people to share photos of their dog with a beautiful smile, a sill growl or with an
adorable snaggle tooth.
Why not scroll down gently and see which toothy dog is your
favorite! Don’t also forget to share with family and friends who wholeheartedly
love dogs.
More Info: Toofers




























