Twitter is fully convinced that people these days are aging slower (or at least, we have the means to hide those aging signs through surgeries and advanced treatments). Ever since Brandon McCarthy asked whether people of the past did age faster, it has made a lot of people decided to post their old pictures and compare them with celebrities. It's crazy how some actors and actresses in the past were already taking roles of the elderly when they were only 40 or 50 and today, Arnold Schwarzenegger is still the main lead.
Here are more pictures found on Twitter that continue to prove people did age faster and perhaps, we're getting closer to the secret of de-aging?

JakesAlterEgo -Via

decustecu -Via

WhatsSleepTho -Via

AsBrandFan -Via

didgiantslose -Via

zappaneese -Via

drmabuse -Via

DodgerFoodie -Via

CrazyJoeNash -Via

realjasonstru -Via

OverallRichard -Via

what_speed -Via

TheBarbarienne -Via

danielkreps -Via

RomancingNope -Via

HaleYarvard -Via

LADad112 -Via

JoshDeFamio -Via

TJRosch -Via

LocalSoundwave -Via

ccktwb -Via

Lenardthephotog -Via

_vanswan -Via

KBoopaloo -Via

SoFlaMarlins -Via

AytchDeeThang -Via

GaryMoo14010104 -Via

GaryMoo14010104 -Via

mikeeperez -Via

GaryMoo14010104 -Via