Can you believe it? The dream that we used to have as kids and during our first few years working full=time are actually coming true. Finland's new Prime Minister, Sanna Marin, is drawing up a plan that will introduce people of Finland to a four-day working week and 6 hours of work a day. The second youngest head of government is also a mother of one and leads a centre-left coalition with four other parties. Those other parties are also headed by women and three of them are under 35!
Talking about women empowerment and improving life quality at the same time!
Sanna Marin, Finland's new Prime Minister is looking to introduce a new, healthier working hours to its people.

"I believe people deserve to spend more time with their families, loved ones, hobbies and other aspects of life, such as culture," says the mother-of-one.
"This could be the next step for us in working life."
Before the Prime Minister, Marin has already served as Minister of Transport for the country. She had also been an advocate for shorter working hours which she implemented to improve employees' rapport and productivity.
Minister of Education and leader of Left Alliance, Li Andersson, is also showing support for this plan.

"It is important to allow Finnish citizens to work less. It is not a question of governing with a feminine style but offering help and keeping promises to voters," said her.
Sweden and Japan have already tried the 4-day working weeks and have seen staggering increase in happiness, productivity and even wealth. Especially in Japan where workers tend to spend hours working unpaid overtime, Microsoft's trial showed almost 40% of increase in productivity.