Diva Jennifer Lopez has been preparing herself in Miami, Florida for her upcoming show at Superbowl 2019. She was seen taking a break from rehearsals with her fiance, Alex 'A-Rod' Rodriguez while heading to her yoga studio. She walked out confident and chic in a black crop top by Guess and black leggings. Her rock hard abs showing off as she readies for her biggest performance yet.
She had her hair tied in a bun and wore a pair of black sunglasses with gold hoop earrings as a nice accent to her overall look. Trailing behind her was her number one fan, 44-year-old Rodriguez in a black jacket and black sweatpants.
JLo is heading to a yoga studio while taking a break from rehearsal in black crop top and high-waist leggings.
Her number one fan and fiancé Alex 'A-Rod' Rodriguez was trailing behind her in a simple black jacket and sweatpants.
Speaking about her upcoming show, JLo told CBS Sunday Morning, "It's like winning the Oscar. It's the biggest show that there is. It has the biggest audience. You get to have like this big production. You don't get to do that on tour."
She added, "Everything's like, budget-conscious and 'You can do this and you can do that.' It's a different experience and I think it's just like a fantasy for all musical artists to be able to play the Super Bowl and have like that 12 minutes of an amazing show. I don't know. There's just something exhilarating about it."
She has 'been rehearsing for like 6 weeks.' last month to stay in top shape during her performance.
Rodriguez reveals the moment when JLo was informed, "When we got that call from [NFL commissioner] Roger Goodell and the league and Jay-Z, we were thrilled and she was in tears."
She has always wanted to performed on Superbowl since she saw Diana Ross' back in 1996.
The 'Hustlers' star has also been rehearsing for her opening number in the movie. She shows off her perfect figure while dancing in high-heels as Ramona.