The tale of ugly duckling seems to be completely misleading when it comes to chicks and other types of baby birds. Even though kittens and puppies often snatch the spotlight when it comes to baby animals, they don't look totally cute when they're newborns as well (with those red bare skin and closed eyes!).
Baby birds deserve some attention, too! And to be honest, these baby birds will surprise you in terms of how much puberty and growing can change them. Did you know that flamingos aren't born pink and that Toucans develop the black dot at the end of their beak much later in their life?
Here are pictures of baby birds vs. their grown-up version by Brighthumanity!
#1 Cardinal
pixabay,pxhere -Via
#2 Peacock
piqsels,tambako -Via
#3 Tuffted Puffin
wikipedia -Via
#4 Barn Owl
portableportraits -Via
#5 Chicken
pxhere,pxfuel -Via
#6 Toco Toucan
Wikimedia -Via
#7 Goffin's Cockatoo
robandstephanielevy,needpix -Via
#8 Grey Crowned Crane
goodfreephotos,wikimedia -Via
#9 Peregrine Falcon
Patrick Cashin,cuatrok77 -Via
#10 Chaffinch
maxpixels,pixabay -Via
#11 Hummingbird
Wikimedia -Via
#12 Pileated Woodpecker
theowlshowofficial,Wikipedia -Via
#13 House Martin
milkyfactory,wildreturn -Via
#14 Golden Pheasant
needpix,cuatrok77 -Via
#15 Ostrich
pixabay,pxfuel -Via
#16 Bleeding-Heart Pidgoen
wikimedia -Via
#17 Gannet
flickr,wikimedia -Via
#18 Tit
wikimedia,pxfuel -Via
#19 Grey Headed Albatross
wikimedia -Via
#20 Raven
wikipedia,pxfuel -Via
#21 Night Heron
taylar,132033298@N04 -Via
#22 Mississippi Kite
Andy Reago,vance -Via
#23 Mallard Duck
pixabay,mualphachi -Via
#24 Gentoo Penguin
wikimedia -Via
#25 Pigeon
leena,wikimedia -Via
#26 Swan
Chris Isherwood,k yamada -Via
#27 Turkey
wikimedia,publicdomainpictures -Via
#28 Bald Eagle
wikipedia,needpix -Via
#29 White Tern
goodfreephotos,angrysunbird -Via
#30 Flamingo
Pixabay,ekilby -Via