Usually, we have normalized a lot of stuff in our lives, because that’s the way we have always seen things. When we see something we don’t expect, we are awestruck, our hearts begin to beat faster and other biological stuff happen. Well, either the body receives it nicely or it just creeps out of you to even acknowledge what you saw.
We actually felt that while we created this article just for you so that just like us, even your heart can skip a beat or two. This one is not for the faint-hearted.
#1 From Australia? You must be used to it

© taktischekartoffel / imgur -Via
#2 Well, these parcels were placed nicely inside the front door of the recipient who lives alone

© nick5734324 / reddit -Via
#3 Thankfully, these are just some rubber gloves

© green1 / imgur -Via
#4 You can look like an alien if you were to ask your iron

© PandaOfDoom / reddit -Via
#5 Some restrooms have a mannequin in the bathtub so you won’t pee there in fear

© whywee / reddit -Via
#6 Imagine this outside your window

© kvior1 / reddit -Via
#7 This is how a door crack looks

© ismani / reddit -Via
#8 A haunted lamp, or the haunted shadow?

© JanMolhu / reddit -Via
#9 Some, nice rose prints on the sheets. It also reminds us of some really creepy horror movies

© Fauconwill / reddit -Via
#10 Now you know why your ball never went into the hole. Because it was scared

© bannedforajoke / imgur -Via
#11 So Pennywise can also be on the carpet?

© danaderocher / reddit -Via
#12 I’m Arachnophobic and this is what I find

© Iheartmyhonda1 / reddit -Via
#13 McDonald’s doesn’t make me happy anymore

© imnicexDDD / reddit -Via

© imnicexDDD / reddit -Via
#14 Well, this shadow bunny is scarier than any bunny I have seen

© Goodwin24 / pikabu -Via
#15 Well, thank god it’s a T-Shirt but I freaked out anyway

© immicornes / twitter -Via
#16 I am scared of kids now!

@PassionPopSoc -Via