30 Kids Share The Most Embarrassing Things Their Parents Ever Did In Front Of Them

As kids, we must have done a lot of things in public that made our parents embarrassed. Whether it’s repeating things we shouldn't or being a little too honest and open, kids say the darndest things. But it’s not only the kids; sometimes parents too can say or do something embarrassing. And usually, in your early teens, you come to a point that makes you realize that your parents are equally cringeworthy. Teenage is an age that’s difficult for both the child and their parents. Teenagers become a little rebellious and want to make their own identities. It’s up to the parents to understand and with a bit of humor everything can be sorted, isn’t it?

So Nick Harvey tweeted about the most embarrassing thing his parents did in front of him and people all over the Internet started sharing theirs. Obviously, some were just an accident but the others knew what they were doing!

mrnickharvey -Via


HappyProjectLDN -Via


dgutte -Via


writersblock08 -Via


chrisfishdish -Via


BermondseyBoo -Via


HelenJayne -Via


sueveneer -Via






welovepampering -Via


JessicaRS -Via


just_cameroon -Via


MittenDAmour -Via


giftedHKO -Via


DrBeauBeaumont -Via


did_40 -Via








helenraw -Via


snowbeasty -Via


alistaircoleman -Via


stesmudge -Via


keithandlucy -Via


Willhide -Via


RachelTurnham -Via


Seasidedolly -Via


L3GSV -Via


SuziOvens -Via