Halloween or the day that was previously more known as All Hallow's Eve has celebrated every October 31 for the departure of saints and martyrs. There are more to it, but these days, regardless of the true meaning, people recognize this day with its trick-or-treat habits and scary, horror theme.
It's also the chance to dress up as something you knew wouldn't fit in the community in any other day but Halloween. Let's just say, it's the day to get super creative on it and we have the winner of the year. And recently, babies and children are new winning contestants! It's surely exciting to wait for next year's event and new ideas on Halloween costume.
It's also the chance to dress up as something you knew wouldn't fit in the community in any other day but Halloween. Let's just say, it's the day to get super creative on it and we have the winner of the year. And recently, babies and children are new winning contestants! It's surely exciting to wait for next year's event and new ideas on Halloween costume.
#1 My Super Adorable Headless Maya

#2 My Grandpa And Dog

#3 I Am The Pumpkin King!

#4 Our Daughter, Claire, Dressed Up As Grandma Completed With A “Granny” Style Clothes, Homemade Wig, Pearls And A Walker Built By Daddy. Claire Walks Well Without Assistance, But Stroles Along With Her Walker

#5 Halloween Is Christmas For Us Amputees

#6 Halloween Costume Made From Halloween Decorations

#7 My Wife Have Been Waiting For This Halloween Since We First Heard We Were Having Twin Girls

#8 Picasso Painting Halloween Costume

#9 I Think My Aunt Nailed This Hocus Pocus (Bette Midler) Halloween Costume

#10 Frodo!

#11 Mother And Son 'Black Panther' Halloween Costume

#12 My Daughter’s Wheelchair Made The Perfect Foundation For Her Halloween Costume

#13 Dressed Up As An Anti-Vaxer For Halloween Party. It Was A Hit

#14 Brought Along My Little Drogon To A Halloween Party

#15 Halloween This Year

#16 My Name's Borat

#17 Hijabi Harley Quinn

#18 Our Couple’s Costume

#19 My Sister Needed A Costume For Her And Her Friends So I Put Together This For Them

#20 The Costumes We Made

#21 Well We Were Supposed To Be Cleopatra And Caesar.. Classic Case Of Miscommunication

#22 Harry Potter Family Costume

#23 We All Bark Down Here

#24 My Daughter's Maleficent Costume Made By My Wife And Mother-In-Law

#25 Portal Halloween Costume

#26 The Royal Family Aka My Son The Queen

#27 America In 2018

#28 My Friend Didn't Really Have A Name For It, But She Made It Herself

#29 My Friend Dressed As Everyone's Favourite Neighbour For Halloween

#30 My First Full Costume Build. My 7-Year-Old Is Thrilled