cat’s café is a comic series illustrated by Matt Tarpley, capturing all of the
experiences of life one cup of coffee/tea at a go.
And if you happen to be a guest at the Café,
you’ll be introduced to a slew of lovable characters as well as discover that
their lives are strikingly similar to ours.
Cat (the owner of the café), Penguin, Rabbit as well as other animals, all of
these characters explore significant topics.
cat is the owner of the café and works hard to brighten up the day of every guest
that walks in. Specifically, the cat has an apparently magical ability to meet
the request of every special guest.
are other several friends you should be meeting. Axel, Chipper, Chipmunk and
Opossum – each having a story to tell. Hence, grab yourself a cup of coffee
and fit into the Cat’s Café.
end up becoming fluffy and warm!!
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