Melissa Blake, 38, is a freelance writer from Illinois. Blake writes a blog called ‘So About What I Said’ where she gives inspiring personal insights into living with a genetic bone and muscular disorder called Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome, that she has been suffering since birth. Blake has also been covering topics on disabilities, relationships, and pop culture. She has been featured on popular websites such as CNN and Cosmopolitan.

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Not only this, but Blake also writes about politics, sharing her personal opinion and thoughts on a lot of issues. But unfortunately, some people on the Internet is cruel and decided to make fun of her disability after she wrote an op-ed about President Trump and failed to understand that her opinion is just valid like anyone’s else.

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Sadly, Blake had to face these kinds of hateful comments throughout her life but despite all the hatred she wants to see the positive and good side of the people. She focuses on the good comments and refuses to let the cowardly bullies let her down. Her latest reply to the trollers who said that she is too ugly to post her pictures is proof of that.

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Seeing all these some people came to her defense and posted some amazing comments about her. Praised for hitting back at her troller's people called her 'brave' and said posting her pictures was a way of 'owning the abuse'.

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