20 Loveliest Pictures Proving There’s Nothing Like a Mother’s Love

The bond between a mother and her child is so pure and strong. No emotion, no love can compare the love a mother have for her child. She can cross the border, climb hills and fight any wars when it comes to her child. A mother loves her child without any condition, without expecting anything in return. A love so eternal and so beautiful.

She protects her child from the day she knows she is pregnant and keeps protecting and loving him till her very last breath. And this is not only about we humans, but animals also have powerful bonds with their kids too. The animal kingdom is full of examples of loving mothers and these pictures are going to prove it.

#1 Be it a human or an animal, a mother's love is unconditional

freerockgirl -Via

#2 A mother is a person who loves and cares for you no matter what

© CutestPaw -Via

#3 Mother : that one word that cannot be defined in a single phrase

kaisenburg_82 -Via

#4 God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers

© TlCphotography730/DeviantArt -Via

#5 A child’s first teacher is its mother

rotibae -Via

#6 Mothers are the only ones that think nothing is beyond their control when it comes to their kids

cecily_ana -Via

#7 Mothers are a walking miracle

zootampa -Via

#8 She is going to take care of you and give you everything you need

glatznaturephoto -Via

#9 It's not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it

© CutestPaw -Via

#10 All you need is her hug to stay in peace

© Imgur -Via

#11 There is nothing as powerful as mother’s love

elephantintheroomthessaloniki -Via

#12 A mother represents the combination of feelings, behaviors and sacrifices that occur while raising a child

© smadge1/Imgur -Via

#13 A mother is always the beginning

leonoos -Via

#14 A mother is the truest friend we have

baboonmatters -Via

#15 Mothers possess a power beyond anyone's imagination

davidmontgomery -Via

#16 Mother's love knows no law, no pity

hopeful1996 -Via

#17 She is how things begin

Earth Pictures -Via

#18 Her love will date all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path


#19 There's no heroism greater than motherhood

giraffeville -Via

#20 There is nothing as sincere as a mother's kiss

myveganmuse -Via