Someone In Colorado Is Putting Out Hilarious Signs And The Puns Are Precious

While cats and dog jokes have gotten increasingly bad reputation over time, a lot of individuals are reacting with an eye roll instead of laughter – simply because they have really got so used to reading about them a lot.

On the other hand, there are also several who believe that the plea of this misunderstood funniness lies in its inherent cheesiness.

Anyways, I wouldn’t think of anything less than a satisfying pun that is creative and clever at a glance. And that’s what a Colorado native who goes by the name Vince Rozmiarek has achieved. 

He is presently dubbed as the man behind some funniest, creative road signs which feature the kind of cringe/laugh humor that only dads appear to get successful at.

What began as an April Fool prank has placed both him and his town, Indian Hills on the map. And with a Facebook Page dedicated to the hilarious sign, it has garnered over 90k followers across the world.

Kindly scroll down to check out the latest series of Rozmiarek’s popular puns! Besides, don’t forget to take a sneak peek at what’s trending in the fashion world.

More: Indian Hills Community Sign





























