China is a lot of things, but we don't want to touch any sensitive topics today.
Let's give a round of applause for doctors around the world who may have to work for sleepless nights to save lives. Just like what this Chinese doctor, or surgeon to be precisely, did in a single day.
He and his team had 10 surgeries lining up for the day. A single surgery can take hours and have 10 lined up consecutively means that you have to be prepared to skip sleep time and rush during mealtime.
That was the kind of day for Dai Yu.

Pictured here is the deputy director at the Orthopaedic Department of Longgang Central Hospital in Shenzhen, southern China. On Monday, the surgeon and his team were scheduled 10 operations, speaking to Longgang Channel.
He began working at 8 am that morning and did not stop until the seventh surgery at 5 pm. He took a 10-minute break on which he ended up sleeping on the theatrical room.
Humble, the physician says that it's his responsibility to provide care as fast as possible.

After the short nap, he worked with his team tirelessly until 9pm.

He was a dedicated surgeon who also received praise from a patient through Longgang Channel
"It was moving. Thank you, doctors, for providing service to people."
Dr. Dai also wishes to further improve his surgery skills and become a textbook example for his peers.