25 Photos That Can Melt Even The Toughest Heart

The internet is awash with glamorous photos of showing off their exciting lives. While there are genuine people, Many others are comfortably ‘faking it till they make it’. But more important are photos that truly show the joy of life and memorable experiences worth sharing. For example, a child’s reaction when they get an unusual present from their granny or a dad gifted by his daughter the same car he sold ages back to support the family.

Looking through these photos, your heart may skip a beat. These photos trigger strong emotions that will make for a great experience.

25. A boy helps his sister during a flood.

© SeptixG /reddit -Via

24. No, dude, your license plate is lying. You’re a good guy.

© Two_Inches_Of_Fun /Reddit -Via

23. 22-year-old Jared suffers from cystic fibrosis and lung cancer. He decided to get fit and achieved these incredible results in just one year.

© Body Alive / facebook © wellsy351 / instagram

22. “My grandpa turned 100 yesterday! He’s the oldest person in our family and the most pleasant to be around.”

© Tom_Foolery2 / reddit -Via

21. “Our granny made us 2 pom-pom carpets. The kids are absolutely excited.”

© Ebs707 / reddit -Via

20. “I gave my granny a tiara for her 90th because she’s a queen. She didn’t take it off all night.”

© TiddlyWiddlyWankyWoo / reddit -Via

19. “I converted an unused closet in my house into the reading nook I’ve been dreaming about for years. I feel like the smile is going to pop off of my face.”

© tobyluvr2000 / reddit -Via

18. “I won a dance competition and $1000! I didn’t know there was a cash prize so here’s me crying my eyes out.”

© reddit / claydohboon -Via

17. “I finally reunited with my grandpa after 15 years and the first thing he shows me is a picture of 5-year-old me that he’d kept in his wallet ever since.”

© gianne / twitter -Via

16. George W. Bush delivers pizza to federal employees who haven’t received their salary because of a budget crisis.

15. “This dad is recreating the game on a small football field for his blind son.”

© kkuunal / reddit -Via

14. “I took my son on his first backpacking trip. Prior to this trip, he always rode in a baby carrier while hiking. He wanted to be like me, so I had to put a ’baby’ in it.”

© _njhiker / reddit -Via

13. “Every day we stare out the window at a cat in someone’s apartment. Weeks ago we asked what its name was. Today they obliged and we’ve never been happier.”

© Erika Strong ‏/ twitter -Via

12. A guy printed out some photos of his father and him and added a note asking if he’d be his best man at his wedding.

11. “My mother and I decided to play video games. She never truly played a video game in her life but beat me at Mario Party. I just couldn’t help but feel happy and proud for her when she won.”

© TheBensonBoy / reddit -Via

10. This retired firefighter was invited to the graduation of a girl he saved 17 years ago during a house fire.

© itsamiracole7 / reddit -Via

9. “My autistic 5-year-old completely surprised us today by writing out his name! (It’s James.)”

© potatofeathers / reddit -Via

8. A regular customer’s heartwarming reaction to a free cake on her birthday

© commonvanilla / reddit -Via

7. “My dad is afraid to fly, so when I was 5, I made him a doll to hold on the plane. Mom just sent me this picture. He’s packed to come visit me. The doll is 43 years old!”

© snowglobesnowglobe / reddit -Via

6. A bride and her brother set up a little surprise for his girlfriend.

© therealjustinjr / reddit -Via

5. This marine’s coming back from his service. He’s never seen his son before.

4. A boy meeting his dog who got lost 8 months ago

3. “My dad, a survivor of the Pol Pot era during which he lost 2 young children, is having a great time bowling on the Kinect. He’s happy and that made me smile.”

© eggshellgreen / reddit -Via

2. “This husband and wife are window washers in my hometown. Every time I see them they’re working hard together and then walking from one job to the next holding hands.”

© Captain_Crux / reddit -Via

1. A man notices a car that looks just like a car he used to have when he was young that he had to sell to raise his children. Suddenly, his daughter gives him the keys.