
Charie Yüksel -Via

SageeDuzit -Via

Ricardo Arriola -Via

Hey it could be worse...
— Bailey Carlin (@BaileyCarlin) May 13, 2019
You could be one of these people who got a Daenerys tattoo BEFORE she murdered a bunch of innocent people #GoT #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/DXZnSK3rYk
Everyone after Missandei died: Dany needs to burn Kings Landing down
— Laura ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sedor (@LauraSedorPhoto) May 13, 2019
Dany: Burns Kings Landing down
Everyone: #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/I6dLZeUXDw

lol reddit is a goldmine right now #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/msuZZ4Khd0
— sosa chamberlain (@mulder___itsme) May 13, 2019
Villains bigger than the Night King and Cersei#GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/0MWSZSFGof
— Saad Kareem (@saadkareem3333) May 13, 2019