40 Most Lit Memes From The Game Of Thrones Season 8, Episode 5 [Spoilers]

SPOILERS AHEAD. The memes are going to include everything related to the latest episode of Game of Thrones per day, which is episode 5.

So, anyway, we all still remember Missandei saying Dracarys moments before her head was chopped off. We were all guessing what that meant because that's what Dany uses to command her babies to burn something or someone. Most of the time, someone.

And thanks to the show getting butchered for the past few weeks, Reddit, Twitter, 9gag, literally every social media platform becomes the gold mine of GoT S8E5 memes. From how Daenerys had her switch just flip into 'LET'S BURN EVERYTHING' to 'Bricks ftw' moment. The disappointment is abundant, but what else can we do to save the show from plunging itself even deeper than the Mariana Trench?

Make memes. Share them. Laugh about them. And then prepare for the closure that we hope will at least save the show in one way or another.









turquoiseturtleteeth -Via

















HiHolT -Via


江明展 -Via





Ilyes Boubaya -Via
