SPOILERS AHEAD. The memes are going to include everything related to the latest episode of Game of Thrones per day, which is episode 5.
So, anyway, we all still remember Missandei saying Dracarys moments before her head was chopped off. We were all guessing what that meant because that's what Dany uses to command her babies to burn something or someone. Most of the time, someone.
And thanks to the show getting butchered for the past few weeks, Reddit, Twitter, 9gag, literally every social media platform becomes the gold mine of GoT S8E5 memes. From how Daenerys had her switch just flip into 'LET'S BURN EVERYTHING' to 'Bricks ftw' moment. The disappointment is abundant, but what else can we do to save the show from plunging itself even deeper than the Mariana Trench?
Make memes. Share them. Laugh about them. And then prepare for the closure that we hope will at least save the show in one way or another.
“Sorry. Was the show bright enough for you?” - Game of Thrones Writers. #GameOfThrones #GOT8 pic.twitter.com/QQiy8v9saJ
— Jim DeSantis (@Jim_DeSantis) May 13, 2019
Best ways to kill Cersei #GameofThrones
— Free Thinker (@kamusigi9) May 13, 2019
1. Jaime kills Cersei
2. The Night King kills Cersei
3. Arya Kills Cersei
4. Drogon Kills Cersei
15. Bran wargs into Cersei and commits suicide
146. She gets Pneumonia and dies
1,672. Gets trampled by rocks
When your parents are fighting, but you’re just trying to get some Pop-Tarts from the kitchen... #GameOfThrones #GOTS8E5 pic.twitter.com/bqDybvCxXD
— JD Kalantar (@jdkalantar) May 13, 2019
What you look like when you have to carry the whole season on your back #GOT #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/N0rd15SpTa
— .. (@malaikah90) May 13, 2019

turquoiseturtleteeth -Via
The moment we knew the Hound was good people. Rest well, Sandor Clegane. You were the best step-dad in the Seven Kingdoms. #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/UwIMWJy0rN
— Jamie Jirak (@JamieCinematics) May 13, 2019
Someone should have drawn her a map of the city. #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/UTHx6B1ST7
— neontaster (@neontaster) May 13, 2019

She said she’ll kill the queen...didn’t say which one... #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/cZ6YhLwdzq
— Luis Huerta (@Lc_huerta) May 13, 2019
On campaign trail // in government #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/0XOsHNKPLa
— (@its__kojack) May 13, 2019

The Simpsons predicted it again.#GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/F7iZt6xtSD
— (@PostMalone28) May 13, 2019
Killed more characters than the Night King #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/GPu8FF432g
— 압둘라 (@Ruthless546) May 13, 2019
me looking at all the game of thrones memes pic.twitter.com/41OFJCzziq
— ᴊᴀᴍɪᴇ (@aIfiealIen) May 13, 2019
Guess who’s not getting a castle now #gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/utDW8gOqTA
— Wisē (@Wise809) May 13, 2019
#GameofThrones #GoT
— Dave (@davey0511) May 13, 2019
The writers trying to finish the series without the books to guide them pic.twitter.com/Ig3dJRkcSc

HiHolT -Via

江明展 -Via
If you're feeling sorry for the people of King's Landing just remember they rooted for Ned's execution. #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/8IBIvSfWRc
— Manny Rae (@Manny_Rae) May 6, 2019
In S1E1, Jaime Lannister pushes Bran Stark out of a window. This is subtle foreshadowing for S8E5, where eight seasons of Jaime's character development are similarly thrown out the window.#GameOfThrones #GoT pic.twitter.com/jM1P0Uxvwm
— Lee Barnes (@SilenceInTheDrk) May 13, 2019


Ilyes Boubaya -Via
Missandei in Heaven like: "I know I said Dracarys but this isn’t what i meant..”#GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/QBj8tdU1GD
— c (@chuuzus) May 13, 2019