More Baby Dragons In Game Of Thrones?! Fans Are Convinced Drogon Secretly Had Babies

Daenarys had three little babies that gave her hope to move on. But since the end of season 7, Daenarys loses her baby to the hand of Night King as Viserion turns into a zombie and she lost another, Rhaegal as it was shot to death by Euron Greyjoy's fleet just last episode. And now, there is only Drogon beside Daenarys, leaving fans to think that Drogon is the last living dragon in the universe.

Or is he?

Well, fans have long speculated that baby dragons are on the way and Drogon might not be alone at all. Look at those hopeful faces.


Fans have long believed that Drogon went to Westeros to raise baby dragons and they are finally ready to come to their aid!

How did it all start?


Remember when Drogon went missing for about half a season since the end of season 4 and midway through seasons 5? Daenarys confided with her ex-lover Daario Naharis that she didn't know where they went to.She had 'no idea'.But that just drove fans into having more ideas.

With the theory popping up, everyone is really hopeful.

And this theory just increases the possibility by tenfold. Drogon can be a male or female whenever he/she wants to.


The book confirms this fact as Septon Barth and Maester Aemon agree to dragon's sex being as changeable as flame. Just because Dany named her three dragons based on influential male figures, Viserion, Rhaegal and Drogon, don't mean much to their gender.

And this is the preview that keeps hinting on the possibility.


Euron Greyjoy shot down Rhaegal during the last episode with his fleet


...and with his death, Drogon is thought to be the last dragon alive.


This is the tiny bit detail that cause the uproar.


The opening credits show the Astrolabe has a very small hint regarding the dragon's future. As if they had predicted this from the early times, the Astrolabe has small carvings in golden of a big dragon and three small dragons.It could be showing the three dragons that Daenarys had or the possibility of seeing Drogon's little ones!


We have hope in his dread.


This surprised-look from Euron is another reason viewers believe he is looking at more than one dragon. He knows Drogon is alive and has seen the dragon in person, so it shouldn't so shocking.We are hoping that baby dragons are going to fire up the war on Kings Landing.