There is no girl out there who doesn't want to remain slim and sexy but the increase in weight after pregnancy is something which is natural. Women tend to gain weight after pregnancy. How much disgusted would you feel if your partner left you, just because you gained up weight after pregnancy? Meet this woman Liu Yajuan, the single mother who lives in China. After giving birth to their child Liu Yajuan gained 30 extra pounds of weight from 50kg sharp to 90kg's.
According to her husband, he was tolerating everything
she did when she used to be skinny. But now, with weight increased he cannot
withstand her anymore and gave her divorce. With her sudden weight increment,
her self confidence and trust came shattering down. Liu not only lost her
marriage due to her weight but also faced health issues and suffers from serious fatty liver disease.
So she decided to make a change and went
on Living it Up, a reality-TV weight-loss competition hosted
by Shanghai Dragon Television. And as said that you can achieve
anything if you work hard for it, Liu achieved first place during the first weigh in on the show, by beating
all 13 of her contestants and dropping 7.2 lbs in her first week.
Before: Liu Yajuan's formerly svelte figure grew from 7st 12lbs to 14st 2lbs. She said her husband left her because she gained too much weight after giving birth to their son

'My (ex-)husband said to me: "I was fine with anything you did when you were skinny. But I can't stand you looking like this anymore,' Liu told Chinese media

Liu said when she got married, her then husband jokingly said to her: 'I want to treat you well, spoil you and have you gain weight, so you couldn't run away from me'

Liu's extra weight 'destroyed' her confidence as she had always enjoyed a slim figure

'My son is really cute. Sometimes he'll joke and say: "Mummy is a big fat woman," Liu says

Not only did she lose her marriage due to her weight gain, but also her health - Liu currently suffers from a serious fatty liver disease

The trending topic page on Chinese microblogging site Weibo, titled 'Pretty woman gets dumped for gaining 40kg after getting married' has been viewed 8.5 million times

Liu successfully signed herself up as a contestant on Living it Up, a reality-TV weight-loss competition hosted by Shanghai Dragon Television, similar to UK's The Biggest Loser

She beat all 13 of her contestants and achieved first place during the first weigh in on the show