Taking of children is one hell of a challenge. Every parent has their own issue in handling their kids because nowadays, it always seems like they are born with their own shenanigans. But despite all that, kids are truly a gift to life. The kind of miracle that you are willing to die for.
The following pictures are just proof of how kids can really liven up your mood. Despite what kind of issues you are made to face every day, you go home and find your kid wearing your wife's wigs walking around the house. There couldn't have been a scarier moment than thinking you've got a long-haired ghost wandering about the house! Jokes aside, kids can really be hilarious and pulling all kinds of tricks and jokes that adults didn't see coming. If you were having a rough day (and coincidentally don't have a kid to cheer up your day!), you will love what you see.
The following pictures are just proof of how kids can really liven up your mood. Despite what kind of issues you are made to face every day, you go home and find your kid wearing your wife's wigs walking around the house. There couldn't have been a scarier moment than thinking you've got a long-haired ghost wandering about the house! Jokes aside, kids can really be hilarious and pulling all kinds of tricks and jokes that adults didn't see coming. If you were having a rough day (and coincidentally don't have a kid to cheer up your day!), you will love what you see.
#1 Potentially The Best Answer My Daughter Has Ever Given On A Worksheet

Ms_Sugarbaker -Via
#2 One Step Away From Heart Attack

adex0057 -Via
#3 My Daughter's Reaction When Holding Her New Baby Sister. Much Heavier Than The Dolls She Practiced On

vassili_zaitsev -Via
#4 These Kids Were Asked To Dress Up As Elves For Their School Play. One Kid Dressed Up As Elvis

ChickenFilletRoll -Via
#5 My Daughter Looks Like A Mom That Regrets All Her Life Decisions

ilovepretzles69 -Via
#6 Imagination Level 100. My 2-Year-Old Daughter Drew A Pillow With Chalk, Then Lay Down For A Nap

mpbishop -Via
#7 His Sister Is In Good Hands

Janile Gross -Via
#8 Mystery Of The Wine Bottles

azedi -Via
#9 Words Of The Week

#10 Little Kids Are The Best

funny -Via
#11 My Daughter Thought This Was Her. Bonus: My Son In The Background.

Trampolice -Via
#12 My Daughter Looks Like She Just Destroyed An Entire Sith Army

Fruitlessbox -Via
#13 My Kid Is Sharp

Shock_and_Awwwwww -Via
#14 My Daughter's Personality Perfectly Expressed Through Her Outfit Choice

hoodliner987 -Via
#15 My Friend's 3-Year-Old Son In Preschool Today

beastman99 -Via
#16 Little Sister Was Invited To The “Princess Party”. But She Wanted To Be A Puppy

r_confused -Via
#17 Getty Washington

ilikeoldgaming -Via
#18 My 6-Year-Old Drew Her Dad, Me, Herself And Her Little Brother. We’re Snorkelling

Beth Fanstone -Via
#19 I Asked For Art For My New Apartment This Christmas. May I Present “Butterflies”, A Painting From My Nieces Made Entirely With Their Butt Cheeks. Lovely

hfletch13 -Via
#20 Honesty In My Son's Homework

LucentPhoenix -Via
#21 Okay, At Least My Daughter Is Cute

whatIsReddit_2015 -Via
#22 My Kindergarten Teaching Experience In A Nutshell

LaPagina -Via
#23 My Son's Hide-And-Go-Seek Spot

GarbageDumpOfAssholz -Via
#24 The Bunny's Face Says It All

#25 Nostalgia

newdadnotes -Via
#26 My Son Is One "Those" Kids

makenzie71 -Via
#27 An 8-Bit Child

Falls_Up -Via
#28 My Daughter Hates The Sun And She Drew Me A Picture Of Her Yelling At The Sun

hoodliner987 -Via
#29 The Outfit My Nephew Wore To Meet My Boyfriend

halcyonwade -Via
#30 I Run Grief And Loss Sessions With Children. This 5-Year-Old Is Wise Beyond Her Years

Olliebean6 -Via