30 Most Adorable Sphynx Pics To Change Every Sphynx-Haters’ Mind

True animal lovers know how cute Sphynx cats are but sadly, there are a lot of dispositions given to these cats due to their unusual appearance compared to their fellow cousins. Most cats have fur that helps protect them from the weather and is also a factor of love, but Sphynx cats are hairless.

They are similar to the stereotype Asian girls that come with smooth skin, except that Sphynx cats take it to a whole new level. Anyone who's seen one knows what we're talking about, despite the fact that they actually have a very thin layer of fur.

Despite their morphology differences, Sphynx cats are actually rare breeds and can be just as adorable as their fellow furry feline friends. Sphynx cats are actually originally bred from a rare mutation in Canada and after careful cares, they are now a special breed. These exotic breeds are especially sensitive to sunburn which means more care and maintenance. Owners are prompted to do proper research into how to keep a Sphynx cat healthy and happy if they plan to get one.

And now, these pictures are going to give a different idea of Sphynx cats and perhaps, prompt you to adopt one soon!

#1 How Adorable Is This Little Girl. Her Ears Melt Me

purrphynx -Via

#2 So Tiny, So Cute

peachfuzzsphynx -Via

#3 Went To Meet Our New Boy Yesterday And Fell In Love

supersonickittens -Via

#4 This Super Cute Sphynx Kitten

hr_pippi -Via

#5 Baby Blue

sphynx_missblue_missebene -Via

#6 "Oh, Hello Ladies"

sphynx_aqua -Via

#7 If It Was My Cat, I Wouldn't Be Able To Look Anywhere Else Except Those Eyes

nocoatkittysphynx -Via

#8 The Next Generation

quad64bit -Via

#9 Say Hello To Minnie, She's Coming Home Early May

engineerfromhell -Via

#10 Goodmorning

sphynx_ins.gram -Via

#11 The Majestic Trio

azurepeach -Via

#12 Our Beautiful Red Collar Boy Has Found His Forever Home

sunnysphynx -Via

#13 New Profile Picture For Charlie The Nude Cat

charliethenudecat -Via

#14 That Squishy Little Face

nocoatkittysphynx -Via

#15 Can You Be Any Cuter?

Zolor -Via

#16 Lakshmi Smiling

sphynxluna -Via

#17 So Serious Baby

freygeist_cattery -Via

#18 Look At That Cute Nose

sphynx_mommy -Via

#19 Beautiful Inky

purrphynx -Via

#20 Deep Ocean Blue Eyes, Love Them

sunnysphynx -Via

#21 Her Name's Andromeda Crazy Daisy

freygeist_cattery -Via

#22 Baby From Last Year's Litter

newans_sphynx -Via

#23 The Teeniest Of The Teeny Tiny

sad-but-hydrated -Via

#24 1-Month-Old Sphynx

sphynx_valentina -Via

#25 This Is The Most Adorable Kitten Ever

mystikacattery -Via

#26 Sphynx Kitten

bambi_bum_kesh_ir -Via

#27 Another Day With Same Friend

newans_sphynx -Via

#28 My Little Handsome Boy Just Turned 9 Weeks

Izaylia -Via

#29 Look At Him, Isn’t He Precious

sunnysphynx -Via

#30 Best Wishes From This Pretty Girl

peachfuzzsphynx -Via