19 Times People Found Hilarious Hidden Messages On Tags Of Their Clothes

Clothing tags are the last thing that we thought companies are going to use to attract more customers. In fact, to make a piece of clothing funny is a challenging thing to do if you are not allowed to include mascots and costumes into it. But lo and behold, the following pictures will prove to you just how creative people can be.

For example, in entry number 4, we have 'Remove Child Before Washing'. Yes, on a side note, it's a very important, friendly reminder that parents and older siblings must remember to not let a baby or child be put through a washing machine. Because it can be very dangerous! Except for the fact that no one can barely miss the fact that there is a child wearing it and you are literally carrying that child, place him into the washing machine and just crank it up. What's even more surprising is the fact that this guy took the time to write this on the label as if it's a thing today! That parents actually put their children through washing machines and possibly killed them in the process. One thing we are all supposed to realize is that if parents had the gut to do that, they'd be a psychopath who shouldn't be let to have children at all.

But the rest is simply funny and contributes to giving you laughter, most of them. Have fun!

#1 To give those animal lovers a mini heart attack

#2 I could think of worse

#3 Agreed!

#4 This Chinese doesn't know what a clothing tag is for

#5 Heartfelt message, lovely.

#6 Keep away from fire. You don't say?

#7 I might feel like I've achieved something if I have this pants... or clothes, or whatever it is.

#8 So, 'S' for sexy and 'L' for lovely, I guess.

#9 Do not wear alone. Yes, that doesn't worry me at all.

#10 That middle illustration, do people actually does that?

#11 Oh, great, motivational remarks on my clothing tag.

#12 Except the fact that there is this thing called the washing machine?

#13 This cute, gotta admit that.

#14 In case you miss it, you can dance with this.

#15 I forgot what this article is about. Oh, clothing tags.

#16 No, thanks, I'm not about to embarrass myself in front of the person who had to bring me that while looking at me.

#17 Yes, the f*cking princess you are. Make sure your conservative parents don't see it.

#18 If I was half asleep, I would definitely slap pandas with it.

#19 Except when it's summer and the aircon doesn't work.