Many people can remember the horrifying story told during childhood about the girl with the ribbon around her neck. This classic book held an eerie, memorable tale about a woman with a velvet ribbon around her neck that she would never take off for anything.
Featuring the characters of “Jenny and Alfred”, it was part of a classic collection, scary stories to tell in the dark. This story was written by Alvin Schwartz with his version part of a modified old story told for ages.

The spooky story is about a girl named Jenny who wears a ribbon around her neck.

The girl met a guy named Alfred who couldn’t stop wondering why she wore the ribbon at all times. Sometimes he would ask her, “Jenny, what's up with the green ribbon around your neck?”

Jenny was however determined to keep her secret, for her own reasons. “You’ve gotta wait to find out!” she often answered. But Alfred kept pestering her. But Jenny wore the ribbon around her neck even when they got married and still never let out her secret.

Then they got old and Jenny fell sick, but the green ribbon was still on her neck. Finally, on her death bed, in her final moments, she said that she could finally open up to Alfred about why she wore the green ribbon at all times.

It turns out, Jenny was a zombie.

There are numerous reasons why the story of the green ribbon is scary, to say the least. This story, often told to children, later on, reveals that the ribbon was the only thing keeping Jenny’s head attached to her body. When it is removed, her cranium comes tumbling down, still talking while on the floor in the bright moonlight.

The tale is also incredibly spooky because of how carefully the husband removes the ribbon, only to be greeted by a horrifying scene.