21 Hilarious Times Life Confounded People When They Least Expected It

Life is really full of surprises. It always has something to make your day different and well, some of you probably find your life quite boring right now. Going to work while walking on the same lane and looking at the same shops. Riding the same train, arriving at the same time while doing the same thing over and over again. But from time, small things like the ones we found below happen and they really bring people to smile.

At the time it happened, some people are probably pissed at it: why is the College of Architecture got an epic fail even before you walk into the building? Why do some people, instead of making works easy, double the work they have to do? Why doesn't the vending machine just work?

Pretty sure that you'd be lol-ing and lmao-ing instead when you see these pictures. Lol.

#1 Pretty sure someone can sue the stadium for this.

© girolski07 / Reddit -Via

#2 The biggest failure of the education system we have today.

© trevonator126 / Reddit -Via

#3 Well, at least we know it really don't stick well.

© Unknown / Imgur -Via

#4 When you're being so honest in business that it hurts.

© Cormie / Reddit -Via

#5 Just why? What is the meaning of this even? What if that car's tire burst as well?

© girolski07 / Reddit -Via

#6 Precognition is real.

© gasstationfitted / Reddit -Via

#7 “This is why you should always hide a spare key...”

© VinnySmallsz / Reddit -Via

#8 Definitely not the kind of issues just everyone has with their headphones.

© wildrose4everrr / Reddit -Via

#9 When you're on diet and the universe is supporting you.

© NorwaySpruce / Reddit -Via

#10 “I almost had a heart attack this morning...”

© monalistic / Imgur -Via

#11 Job well done? You're joking, right?

© tricky3737 / reddit -Via

#12 Yeah, guess this guy won't be able to fix my doorbell either.

© Unknown / Imgur -Via

#13 Don't forget to close your window when Elsa is around.

© Unknown / Reddit -Via

#14 So, doggo must have hated school.

© BeckerKM21 / Reddit -Via

#15 This fruit tastes bland. Oh...

© nahilden / Reddit -Via

#16 Made in USA, from Canada. Guess this gift can only be given in countries outside USA and Canada.

© rechnen / Reddit -Via

#17 That man is sad, we can all feel it.

© zorbix / Reddit -Via

#18 You bumped Mr. Bump and now he's injured...

© Unknown / Reddit -Via

#19 That's an effective way to see if it actually works.

© Unknown / Imgur -Via

#20 Aww... The balut egg actually managed to hatch into a a chick!

© daily_daisy_duck / Instagram © daily_daisy_duck / Instagram -Via

#21 It's gonna be fun, they say. Bambi is cute, they say.

© Allbobmyshelf / Imgur -Via