It is estimated that around 1 billion people in the world live with less than $1 a day while half of the world population lives with less than $10 a day. Much less number with more than 100$ a day. While there is a significant difference between the richest and the poorest, given this difference gap, there are only extremely rich or extremely poor people and a majority of the world population lives in between
Dollar street started off a unique project that aimed to show how people worldwide lead their loves. The 264 families chosen from 50 different countries cut across all cultures and economic cadres. From the 30,000 photos captured, we are able to see how some people manage to survive with less than $27 per month while others couldn’t live with less than $100 a day. This contrast makes us look at life from a different perspective.
#1. The Butoyi family, Burundi (monthly income $27)

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41-year-old Imelda is a single mother of three and a farmer. Her two-bedroomed house has no water and electricity. She spends 80% of her income on food and dreams of having a better house.This is where they live now

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This is their typical lunch

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Bedroom for the whole family

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Source of water 40 minutes away

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Favourite toys for the kids

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#2 The Gacotera family, the Philippines (monthly income $194)

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40-year-old Leo is head of the family and a farmer by profession. His 36-year-old wife Maria doesn’t work. They have 3 sons and together they live in this house which was passed down to him by his parents. 50% of the income is spent on food. Currently, the couple is saving money to build a new roof and they dream of a having a new big houseTheir house

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Living room

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Best item

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This is the home Gacotera's family dreams about

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#3. The Kiriny family, Russia (monthly income $578)

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60-year old pensioner Vasily and his wife 57-year old school teacher Olga live together with their 17-year old daughter Varvara who is a student. They live in a 2-bedroom apartment and spend 79% of their income on food. They plan to buy an LCD TV and dream about living in a new apartmentThis is their apartment block

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Study area

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Family pet

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#4 The Hilgenstieler family, Brazil (monthly income $956)

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28-year old Vitor is a mechanic and his wife Schelina, 37, works in sales. They have a 4-year-old daughter, Helena. The family lives in a 3-bedroomed house and they spend 40% of their income on food, They dream of owning a car.This is their house

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Living room

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Helena's favourite toys

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#5 The Moulefera family, France (monthly income $2,895)

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42- year-old Simo, a technician, and Caroline, 39 an architect is married with 2 kids. The family lives in a private home with 4 bedrooms. The couple pays a monthly mortgage of $600, spend about 30% of their income on food and can afford a vacation. They don’t make any savingsTheir house

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Their living room

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The kitchen

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Kids bedroom

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Family cat

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