Hilarious Pics Of People In China Who Have No Idea What They’re Wearing

A city of 24 million people might be a bit too much for some people. It’s too big with, more than enough stories to tell, but occasionally the wild, weird and wonderful metropolis gets captured in photographs. Especially when locals decide to stretch thin the margins of personal space in the name of fun.

In Shanghai, seeing entire families on a single scooter is not alarming, as to wearing Chinglish shirts and other startling circumstances that defy any form of logical explanation. There’s no commentary or judgment, it’s just Shanghai and how its people choose to go about their daily lives observed.

This particular odd habit of wearing random fashion choices with questionable English wording certainly hit the jackpot for 70k of Alex’s fans on Instagram.

We have compiled some of the most hilarious pics for your viewing pleasure.

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As China's cultural and economic influence is continuing to expand globally, western countries are beginning to acquaint themselves with the way of life of this ancient civilization. Anyone who has been to this Asian nation will tell you that people there are very unique.


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Alex Greenberg moved to Shanghai and immediately fell in love with it. There was too much to tell about the city with 24 million people. This prompted him to start a website he observes while the city goes about its usual business. He found himself confronted with all kinds of surprises daily.


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"I’ve been in Shanghai for 4 years and I love how fast the city moves," Alex said.


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"Shanghai has a great skate scene which is what drove me to move here in the first place.


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"It's an amazing city to explore and stumble across startled circumstances that defy explanation.


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"I started the account in November 2016. I made the account because I had just gotten a new iPhone 7, and it took surprisingly great photos.


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"I also wanted to start a daily photo project. The daily photo project was focused on forcing me to shoot more street photography and shoot photos that would show daily life in Shanghai. Stuff my friends and family would be interested in seeing.


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"When the account started to grow and I gained a following I started to get submissions from other people at that point I began to post only the best of the best. The types of situations I like to share are ones that make you double take or say 'wtf.'


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"One of the most common things I post on my Instagram is people wearing shirts that say ridiculous things on them.


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"I'm guessing 99% of the time these people have no idea what the shirt says because they don’t speak English.


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"This makes for an amazing photo because you often see a great juxtaposition between what the person's face says, and what the shirt says.


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"I love photos and videos that instantly make you laugh or question what is happening. Shanghai seems to share that every day."


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