The Zodiac Signs As The Monsters We Hide In Each Of Us

Admittedly or not, everyone has a dark side that they either have no clue about or won’t admit to having. Either way, the darkness exists and it can affect the person’s life in any way. A bad temper, greediness or manipulating others, every sign has a part of them that is capable of terrible things. These are the monsters hidden within our zodiac signs.

#1 Aries (March 21- April 19)

Aries has a temper that can be unleashed on anyone. Even the slightest provocation might make you regret crossing paths with this zodiac.

#2 Taurus (April 20- May 20)

Taurus is stubborn and selfish. They won’t hesitate taking down anything or anyone that gets in their way. You are better off staying out of their way. Like a raging bull, you might not stand a chance against them.
Their stubbornness may make them seem arrogant and entitled. Most times they don’t even realize this when they are talking.

#3 Gemini (May 21- June 20)

This creature is depicted as two-faced for a reason. They know how to pull strings and manipulate anyone. Geminis is also a wild card, part of their mysterious nature is that you will never truly understand which personality you will face in a day.

#4 Cancer (June 21- July 22)

A cancer can be as lethal as a woman scorned. Turn your back on them and you might regret it for the rest of your life. Because of their extreme emotional sensitivity and strong attachment to people, they can be very insecure. Once they cut you off, all the sentiment they once felt for you turns into pure negative energy.

#5 Leo (July 23- August 22)

Leo is very vicious and self-centered. They can also be loyal but once you betray them or take them for granted, you can be sure to experience some next-level savagery. When emotionally hurt, they bring drama and are not afraid to ruffle some feathers.

#6 Virgo (August 23- September 22)

Virgos are very delicate, meaning that they can flip over any second and make you regret why you met them in the first place. They consider themselves perfect in all aspects and won’t hesitate to judge the world anywhere anytime.

#7 Libra (September 23- October 22)

Libras can be very charming when they want something. Be careful when you are alone with them and they decide to show their true self. They will go to any lengths to get what they want and won’t care less who gets hurt in the process.

#8 Scorpio (October 23- November 21)

To get the true taste of revenge, try wronging a Scorpio. They will stop at nothing to pursue and destroy someone who wronged them. This means even getting themselves hurt if necessary to see their assailant in misery.

#9 Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)

The Sagittarius love to think that their saints, but that’s their greatest downfall. Their actions do plenty of harm yet they don’t see what’s wrong. The worst part is you can’t convince them either of their mistakes. These individuals do just about anything without giving a hoot as to how it will affect those around them.

#10 Capricorn (December 2- January 20)

The Capricorn is a tortured mind but will do just about anything to hide the pain they harbor inside. They’ll give up the most important things in life to pursue trivial plans. Most often, realizing their mistake when it is too late.

#11 Aquarius

This a narcissistic being that lacks compassion and is emotionally distant from other people. They are self-conscious and most often think of how their actions may affect others. This ends up destroying them in the long run.

Being around them feels cold as they have great difficulty adjusting and trusting others. This makes them come across as insensitive to others.

#12 Pisces (February 19- March 20)

Pisces are often confused about their split personality. They think they are open to themselves but in the real sense, they don’t understand the depths of their dark side.

Naturally, Pisces are very creative beings that would effortlessly manipulate anyone. They want to be good but the dark seems so tempting.