Kids In Finland Are Riding Bicycles In -17C Winter Giving The World A Lesson About Commuting

Do you enjoy winter sports? If so, have you ever considered pulling out your old faithful bicycle even when the winter months are unforgiving?. Well, somebody already did.  Despite all the rain, snow and ice being unfavorable for cycling, this Finnish town is proving that winter cycling is possible and might even be fun, with the right planning and infrastructure.

While some of us, suddenly miss snuggling in the car with a little snow, not so much for some school kids in Finland. Pekka Takhola, an urban engineer with Navico ltd and a cycling coordinator of Oulu took a spa of the local school’s bicycle parking lot. The temperatures recently were down to -17C and these kids still couldn’t keep off their bikes.

Although some parents wouldn’t warm up to the idea of sending their kids on two wheelies to the icy cold of Nothern winter, a different kind of parents sees no problem. In fact, finish parents find it perfectly normal and healthy. “We organized a study tour for participants from southern Finland for them to see how cycling to school is taken care of in our city,” Pekka said.

“We visited a couple of schools and also spoke a lot with local teachers and principals. I’m pretty sure this school is among the best ones. It is definitely not the only one, and there are numerous schools in Oulu where the majority of kids cycle and walk to school. He added. 

pekkatahkola -Via

Pawelkeg -Via