Japanese Trains Interiors Are An Epitome Of Style And Class That Surprise Tourists So Much

The Japanese economy saw great improvements since the 1960s. What perfectly depicts the industrious Japanese nature than their highly sophisticated trains. The first modern rail line was opened in 1964 as other limited express trains and overnight trains continued to crisscross the nation.

Japanese sleeper trains reached their peak popularity in the 70s but have since been declining almost to the brink of being wiped out. The country took a fancy in building and expanding a network of bullet trains, domestic air travel, and cheaper night buses. Two particular sleeper trains have stood through the decades of modernization.

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The sunrise Seto and the Sunrise Izumo sleeper trains are coupled together as one long 14 car train on their outward journey from Tokyo. They will be on a side to side journey to Okayama.

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Traveling on this train offers passengers an exciting Japanese cultural experience as well as the opportunity to see amazing landscapes.

First class

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The train has as many as 6 types of accommodations- a great variance from the typical modern trains. Single Deluxe or A has been tastefully finished to suit one person. There is a table with a a chair and s personal sink beside the bed. Passengers get slippers and a bathrobe and a set of toiletries. There are even light and radio controls. Uisng these compartments also has the benefits of access to free showers.This beautiful design gives you the feeling of living in a moving nice hotel. If you love comfort and privacy, then this is definitely the compartment to take.

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Second class

These other types of accommodations belong to B class; sunrise Twin, single twin, and solo. These are meant for not more than two people. Their doors can be closed at a personal convenience which creates a feeling of isolation and convenience
Several people can also stay here all at once.


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This is the last part of the sleeping area. The compartment is divided into single 2-level space with flat surfaces. Each sleeping space has been separated from the others by small wooden walls and a window to enjoy a view of the landscape. The seats are designed long enough for comfortable sleeping.

6 minutes per shower

The train has a host of accessories including toilets, drink vending machines, smoking cabins and shower cabins operating on pay as you shower basis. You will need to purchase a special card to take a shower. Water flows for 6 minutes while a countdown is displayed on the timer.

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While on the train, the traditions of the country are respected. What better way to meet new people and immerse in a new culture; you will need to take off your shoes before settling into your space.
One more thing, Japanese cleaning traditions dictate that you will need to press the auto clean button.  

More facilities available in the train

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The world fell in love with its style