14 Times People Realised Their Parents Were Cooler Than Them

People are certainly capable of changes especially when it comes to their loved ones. And it is always amazing to see the big changes that happen to us when something lovely comes along our life, namely our children. Well, those pictures from the old days now really look like you from another dimension!

After decades of having a family, it's time to show the kids their pictures from during their golden times. Pretty sure there are some of you who have parents with names that were famous across the university. There are probably some who have parents that managed to become so famous, they are still known for what they did 30 years ago today! These pictures are proofs of what your parents were and at the same time, it must be touching to imagine what they went through just because they had you. They changed to become better parents, they no longer spend as much time in their hobbies because they had you.

My father. Nothing can be cooler.

© TheMasterOfDonuts / reddit -Via

My 16-year-old mom enjoys her life and her Camaro.

© MorganGanem / reddit -Via

My father was a gamer in his youth. 1996.

© Stu_Lumpkins / reddit -Via

My granny (a vet) and my dad had been raising a lion for several years. 1959.

© ryanb99 / reddit -Via

My dad creating a bust of my mom. 1980.

© JankyTango / reddit -Via

My dad is sure he was the coolest guy in the 1980s.

© IAmTheLiquor9 / reddit -Via

My mom's selfie before it was mainstream. 1989.

© cmajorlips / reddit -Via

My father is barbecuing on a submarine roof.

© shanbuscus / reddit -Via

My father's riding a unicycle with 48 bottles of beer.

© skeleton-spotted / reddit -Via

My cool mom was an avid traveler. Cairo and Moscow. 1975.

© smashingmellons / reddit © smashingmellons / reddit

My father's band in 1982. He is in the middle.

© LaterDust20 / reddit -Via

My dad and my uncle during their wedding ceremony.

© 19RolandOfGilead19 / reddit -Via

Some high-class tricks from my father.

© lilsebastian / reddit -Via

My dad is 19 years old in this photo. 1973.

© bryanpool51 / reddit -Via