tag: cute

Artist's 30 Hilarious Illustrations Show What It’s Like Living With A Dog

Who doesn't love a dog? They're the best family in the world, able to follow commands without groaning or dragging their..

30 Beautiful Illustrations That Show The Simple Joys Of A Couple’s Daily Life

Dina Odess is an illustrator from Kazakhstan, currently living and working in New York. Dina has had a passion for drawi..

Artist Draws Insanely Adorable Baby Penguin Who Just Can't With Basic Daily Tasks

Artist Sheba has been stealing people's hearts with their illustration of a baby penguin. The life of a baby emperor pen..

Lion Straight Ran Up A Tree After Being Chased By A Herd Of 100 Angry Buffaloes

When it comes to who's hunting, lions are always on top of the pyramid. That said, it doesn't mean the prey are not equi..

28 Hilarious Comics About Relationship After Years In Love Are So True

Newly married couples can always confirm that waking up on the first day and being able to see the face of that person j..