tag: canada

24 Pics That Show How Freaking Hot It Is In Portland Currently

Summertime can be scorching! In 2020, the internet recorded Australia dealing with the enormous wildfires it’s ever se..

35 Photos Show How Canadians Are Dealing With Unprecedented Snowstorm

With global warming affecting the planet, we’re seeing more and more extreme weather all over the world. While Austral..

23 Pics Show There Are Absolutely No Country Like Canada

Canada is known for its nice people, except for the ducks. Canada is also known for the amazing nature and many American..

23 Pictures Prove Canada Is Not Like Any Other Country

Ah, Canada. The country of kind people, huge hailstones and angry geese. It's a lot of things that we don't know and tha..

Someone Started A Hilarious Petition To Sell Montana To Canada For $1 Trillion, Now Its Going Viral

Petitions have so much power, enough to change someone’s life or even the world. But most of us tend to laugh off some..